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Many people used to like to firecrackers go off at New Year, but do you know how this tradition first started?
Nian, the Chinese New Year monster, is afraid of the noise and light made by firecrackers.

Red is said to bring good luck, and that is why the "hong bao" given to children are red.
紅色據說可以給人帶來好運, 這也是為什麼過年時大人會發給小孩紅包的原因.

Another tradition using this colori is when people decorate houses with red Spring Couplets; Chinese good-luck sayings written on red paper.

The red Spring Couplets wish happiness, wealth and longevity.

They are hung upside-down because, in Chinese, "upside-down" sounds the same as "arrive", so all of these wishes will arrive at your house.
這些春聯是上下顛倒著貼的, 因為中文裡顛倒的[倒]和到達的[到]同音,象徵著這些希望都會成真.


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    小城景點不多,只有拉普蘭人自然博物館、市集、野生動物園,而游客都是衝著聖誕老人村(Santa Claus Village)而來的。然而此鎮雖傳說是他的故鄉,但村莊是否就是他從前的居址,都無從考究了。

*在台灣雖然小朋友也有在過聖誕節 但卻似乎少了像國外一樣的氣氛 或許她們知道有聖誕老公公 卻不知到底聖誕老公公是誰? 他是怎麼怎麼來的? 還有他住在哪裡? 所以我也利用了上英文課的時間介紹了一下聖誕節 當然也讓小朋友做了一些聖誕節的Craft 他們玩的可開心了
以下是我從網路上找來的文章 有中翻英 也當作是我上課時講解給小朋友聽的內容
A long time ago in a town called Nazareth, a young woman had a dream. In the dream, an angel told her that God had chosen her, a virgin, to have his child. His name was to be Jesus. The virgin Mary, however, was to marry a local carpenter Joseph. She told Joseph of the dream, and Joseph understood that this child was to be holy.


When Mary was close to birth, the government ordered everyone to return to their hometowns for a census. Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem. It was a long trip, and when they reached Bethlehem, they discovered the inn was full. However, the innkeeper took pity on the couple and told them they could stay in a nearby stable.


In the stable, there were mangers for the animals to eat from and lots of hay for the animals to eat. Mary gave birth to a son on a bed of hay. They had no crib, so they placed the baby in a manger, and they named him Jesus. A great star appeared over Bethlehem.


In the fields nearby, an angel appeared to the shepherds. The angel told them, "A savior has been born in the town of Bethlehem. Go there. You will find the baby lying in a manger." The shepherds went to Bethlehem,to the stable where Mary and Joseph were staying, and found the baby lying in the manger. They bowed down before the baby who was to be a savior.


Far away in the east, three kings saw the bright star shining over Bethlehem. They knew it was a sign and followed the star. They traveled on camels for many days, always following the bright star. When they finally arrived in Bethlehem, they too found the child in the manger. They gave the child gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The three kings also bowed down in front of the manger, for in that makeshift crib in a stable in a small town was a baby who would change the world.



Many legends exist about the origin of the Christmas tree. One legend holds that Martin Luther, a founder of the Protestant faith, was looking up as he walked through the forest one Christmas Eve. He was awed by the millions of stars glimmering through the branches of the evergreen trees. So impressed was he that he cut down a small tree and took it home to his family. Then he put candles on the branches of the tree to recreate the shining stars.


Yet another legend tells of a poor woodsman who long ago met a lost and hungry child on Christmas Eve. Though very poor himself, the woodsman gave the child food and shelter for the night. The woodsman woke the next morning to find a beautiful glittering tree outside his door. The hungry child was really the Christ Child in disguise. He created the tree to reward the good man for his charity.


Others feel the origin of the Christmas tree may be the "Paradise Play." In medieval times, most people could not read; plays were used to teach the lessons of the bible all over Europe. The Paradise Play, which told the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, was performed every year on December 24th. There was one big problem, however. An apple tree was needed but apple trees do not bear fruit in winter. Instead, an evergreen was used and they hung apples on its branches to make it an apple tree.



Do you know the jolly old man with a white beard, a big belly, and warm red suit? It's Santa Claus, right? Santa Claus has become one of the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. The image of the jolly old man flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and leaving toys and gifts for every child is known worldwide. However, this image of Santa Claus has evolved over the years.


The history of Santa Claus begins with a man called Saint Nicholas, who lived in what is now Turkey. Saint Nicholas was known for his charity and wisdom. Legend holds that he came from a wealthy family and gave all his money to the poor. He also was said to possess magical powers. He died in 340 AD.


Late in the 11th century religious soldiers from Italy took the remains of the saint back with them to Italy. Soon the legend of Saint Nicholas spread across Europe. During the 12th century Saint Nicholas Day became a day of gift giving and charity. Germany, France, and Holland celebrated December 6th as a religious holiday and gave gifts to their children and the poor.


Hundreds of years later, colonists who came to America brought their traditions of Saint Nicholas with them. In particular, the Dutch brought their image of St. Nick wearing a red bishop's costume. However, the image of a jolly old fat man with a sleigh and eight reindeer didn't fully evolve until the 1800's with modern publication.


A particularly influential publication was "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" by Clement Moore in 1823. This is the famous poem that begins "It was the night before Christmas…" The poem describes St. Nick as jolly and plump and lists the names of all eight of the reindeer. Then, in 1860, Thomas Nash drew pictures of a plump and kindly Santa Claus for a popular magazine. This is the image that most people around the world now recognize as Santa Claus.

卡樂門摩爾於1823年所寫的"聖尼可拉斯的拜訪"這本書對於聖誕老人的傳說有著舉足輕重的影響力。在這首非常有名的詩書中,一開始就這麼寫:"耶誕節的前一天晚上…"這首詩把聖尼可描述成一個擁有一份八隻麋鹿的名單的快樂、圓圓胖胖老人。之後,在1860年,湯瑪斯奈許為一份流行的雜誌,畫了 一幅和藹親切、圓胖的聖誕老公公的圖。這就是深植於現代人心中聖誕老公公的形象。

From a legendary saint over fifteen hundred years ago, to a jolly fat man flying in a sleigh, the legend of Saint Nicholas continues to evolve.



Many a child looks forward to Christmas because they know that if they hang a stocking, a kind of sock, on their fireplace on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will come down the chimney and fill the stocking with toys and sweets. However, many children haven't heard the story of how the tradition of the Christmas stocking began.


A long time ago, there was a kind nobleman whose wife died and left him to take care of three daughters all by himself. Then, to make matters worse, he lost all of his money on useless inventions.The father became very depressed because he realized that he didn't have enough money for his daughters' dowries. Without dowries, money given to the husbands' families, his poor daughters couldn't get married.


One night after the daughters had washed out their clothing, they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. Late that night Saint Nicholas, knowing the despair of the father, stopped by the nobleman's house. Looking in the window Saint Nicholas noticed the daughters' stockings. He took three small bags of gold from his pouch and threw them one by one down the chimney. The bags landed in the stockings.


The next morning when the daughters awoke they found their stockings contained enough gold for them to get married. The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and he lived a long and happy life.


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Halloween is one of the favorite holidays for both children and adults in North America. On the night of October 31, families decorate their homes with carved pumpkins called jack-o-lanterns. Children dress up like ghosts, monsters, witches and even storybook princesses and famous heroes. They go from house to house in their neighborhood knocking on doors and shouting, “Trick or treat!” to receive candy and sweets.

Halloween is actually a very old holiday that has changed a lot since it was first celebrated. A long time ago people in Europe celebrated the end of summer and the beginning of the new year on October 31. They believed that on this day the spirits of the people who died that year could walk the Earth again. People would dress up in costumes and parade around their village making lots of noise. They wanted to scare away the evil ghosts and spirits.

Later, Christians in England and Ireland took the holiday as their own. They changed it to honor their saints. November 1 became “All Saints Day,” or “All Hallows Day.” The night before, October 31, was All Hallows Eve. The name was shortened to Halloween.

Even though it was a Christian holiday, people kept many of the old traditions. People in different parts of Europe celebrated it in different ways. In some places they wore frightening costumes. In other countries they went door-to-door collecting special cakes called “soul cakes.” In Ireland, people played tricks on each other. Later these traditions were mixed together when people from all parts of Europe moved to America.

One of the most popular traditions is making jack-o-lanterns from pumpkins. The first jack-o-lanterns were actually cut from turnips. The tradition began with the story of Jack, an evil man who once tricked the devil. After he died, Jack could not get into heaven because of his evil ways, but he could not get into hell either because of the trick he played on the devil. Because he would have to walk in the darkness forever, the devil gave him a lantern made from a carved turnip to light his way.

The Irish made “Jack’s lanterns” out of turnips every Halloween. When they came to America, they discovered that pumpkins were much easier to carve. Today people like to carve scary faces in their jack-o-lanterns and place then in front of their homes on this very special night. On Halloween, you wouldn’t be caught dead without a jack-o-lantern in front of your home.


在北美,萬聖節是一個十分受到大人和小孩們所喜愛的重要節慶之一。在每年10月31日,家家戶戶會用一種叫做”jack-o-lanterns”的雕刻南瓜裝飾自己的家。孩子們會把自己打扮成鬼、怪獸、巫婆,甚至是童話故事裡面的公主或是有名的大英雄。他們會一起挨家挨戶的敲著鄰居的大門並大叫:Trick or treat! 希望能藉此獲得一些糖果或點心。






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10月31號 Halloween
在台灣沒有過萬聖節的習慣 不過對於國外的小朋友 萬聖節是一個他們所期待的日子 當然在台灣學英文的小朋友也不應該錯過這樣的節日囉....所以用了兩堂課的時間讓這些孩子們認識一下萬聖節 也讓他們動手做做萬聖節糖果袋,黑貓and南瓜....也讓他們提著自己的糖果袋去跟每個老師要糖果....當然不用多說...他們真的是開心極了呢!!


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